At Dougall Dental Centre, we follow the Ontario Dental Association (ODA) Fee Guide for the current year of treatment.

We are pleased to assist you in maximizing any insurance benefits that you are fortunate enough to receive from your employer.

However, we ask that you please accept that the dental insurance you are covered by is a contract between yourself and your insurance company. In the event that there is a portion of our fee that is not covered by your individual plan, you will be responsible for that fee.

Please be aware that there have been many changes in the insurance industry and many plans now do not reimburse at the current fee guide, but at previous years' fees.

Payment Policy

Payment for each procedure in our office is due at the time of treatment. A claim for your treatment will be sent to your insurance company following each visit and any reimbursement will be sent directly to you.

However, if your insurance company will send the payment directly to our office, we will accept the amount covered by your plan and your portion will be due at the time of treatment.

We accept Cash, Debit, Visa & MasterCard.



We are more than pleased to provide you with an estimate for all dental services in advance and upon request, we will submit a predetermination to your insurance company before treatment is completed to determine what is eligible under your particular insurance policy.

Where to Find Us

Call: (519) 972-4868

3335 Dougall Avenue #203
Windsor, Ontario N9E 1S8


3335 Dougall Avenue #203|
Windsor, Ontario N9E 1S8

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